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Editorial news

An anthology of writings that explores the dimension of research and the most recenttraining practices experienced by AGITA, in relation to school and community, through theatre and the expressiveness of artistic languages.

The narrative form makes the reader feel like a travelling companion in dialogue with the writer. A journey that takes you around Italy and gives voice to many people engaged and passionate of various ages.


SKU: VE57 Categories: , , Product ID: 12474


by Loredana Perissinotto




Preface by Silvano Sbarbati and Marzia Maisto



pages 226

price 20,00

size cm 15,5×23, colored with flaps

Saper essere Series

ISBN 978-88-31946-57-5


  • How to create a workshop from the museum’s use. The summer training school between the Museum of the School and the Lombroso museum in Turin.
  • What it means to be a teacher (Milan, Naples, Fiumicello).
  • Theatre Educators: didactics and “theatrical curvature”.
  • The professional choice of young people and amateur research theatre (Lombardy, Veneto, Marche, Tuscany, Campania).
  • Theatre in places of distress (prison theatre).
  • To make a memory of the heritage of animation, dramaturgy, playful, creative and parateatral practice.


Reader profile

  • theatre and education professionals
  • teachers and educators
  • Professionals engaged in the field of education



Profile of the curator

Loredana Perissinotto edited this book as AGITA President, of which she would like to mention other publications such as Scena Educazione (ETI 1995), Geografia del teatro della scuola in Italia (Leonardo, 2001), Guardarsi in scena (2007) and the DVDs Visto per il Teatro (1997). Community theatres. People, Cultures and Places (Mibac-Unesco 2010). Theatre Animation, the Professional Theatre for Children and Youth, the School Theatre and the Community, she worked as an actress, director and scholar. She has worked in the university sector in Italy and abroad, on the formation of cadres. She is the author of In ludo. Ideas for theatre in schools and communities (Armando1998 and Edizioni Corsare 2013); Teatri a scuola (Utet 2001); Theatrical animation. The ideas, the places, the protagonists (Carocci 2004 and 2011). He is part of the management of the series Pubblico Professioni e Luoghi della Cultura (Franco Angeli).


Additional information

Weight 0.435 kg